Teddy Bears

With an ever growing collection of  bears from all over the world, many animals now live at Prideaux Place. By day they sit very still. But…….. when all the visitors are gone and it’s quite dark the adventures of a very special small bear, Me Too,  and his friends begin.

The adventures are captured in a delightful book by Carmen Hocking.

Me Too is a teddy who belongs to Peter Prideaux-Brune and has been a faithful companion from childhood, even sitting through Peter’s finals at Oxford, dressed in white tie just like his owner! By day he can be found on his perch in the Library under Peter’s portrait, but at night Me Too gathers all his friends at Prideaux Place, other bears, rabbits, the Labradors and even Carmen’s cats to join in the fun and games when the humans are fast asleep!

Me Too is generously donating all the profits towards the restoration of the grounds and Deer Park at this historic house.


The book is available in our gift shop but can be purchased by mail order.
Please contact us by e-mail or telephone: 01841 532 411

Price £6
Postage and packing for UK £2.50 (Overseas – £5)

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